Daniel Carando
Daniel Carando is professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICET researcher. His research interests include non linear, complex and harmonic analysis in Banach spaces and analytic aspects of Dirichlet series.
Contact: personal web page
Verónica Dimant
Verónica Dimant is professor at University of San Andrés and CONICET researcher. Her research interests include non linear analysis, holomorphy and tensor products over Banach and operator spaces.
Daniel Galicer
Daniel Galicer is professor at University of Buenos Aires and CONICET researcher. His research interests include infinite dimensional analysis, asymptotic geometric analysis, operator theory, and interactions between analysis and probability.
Contact: personal web page
Silvia Lassalle
Silvia Lassalle is professor at University of San Andrés and CONICET researcher.
Her research interests include geometric structures in infinite-dimesional Banac spaces, operator ideals and greedy systems.
Martín Mazzitelli
Martin Mazzitelli is professor at Universidad del Comahue and CONICET researcher. His research interests include infinite dimensional analysis, multilinear and polynomial mappings, geometry of Banach spaces and its relation with denseness of norm attaining functions.
Santiago Muro
Santiago is a CONICET researcher at CIFASIS, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. His research interests include infinite dimensional analysis, holomorphy and dynamics of operators on Banach and Fréchet spaces.
Damián Pinasco
Damián Pinasco is professor at the Torcuato Di Tella University and a CONICET researcher. His research interests include holomorphy in Banach spaces, polynomial inequalities, convexity, and dynamics of linear operator.
Contact: personal web page
Tomás Rodriguez
Dr. Jorge Tomás Rodríguez is a professor at the National University of Central Buenos Aires and a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research. His research interests include polynomials, tensor products and ultraproduct of Banach spaces.
Pablo Turco
Dr. Pablo Turco is a CONICET researcher and professor at the University of San Andrés. His research interests include the study of different functions (such as linear, multilinear, polynomials, holomorpic and Lipschitz) defined over the Banach spaces and different types of approximation properties.
Contact: personal web page (in UdeSA)
Román Villafañe
Roman Villafañe is professor at University Torcuato Di tella, JTP and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires. His research interests include non linear analysis, tensor products over Banach spaces and Ideals of linear, multilinear and Lispchitz operators.
Ignacio Zalduendo
Ignacio Zalduendo is a Professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and a CONICET researcher. His research interests include infinite-dimensional holomorphy and inequalities in convex geometry.
Contact: personal web page
Martín Mansilla
Martín Mansilla is a CONICET researcher and a Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires. His research interests include complex analysis in several and infinite variables and local theory of Banach spaces.
Rodrigo Cardeccia
Rodrigo Cardeccia is a CONICET researcher and teaching assistant at the Instituto Balseiro. His research iterests include functional analysis and operator theory, with a focus on the dynamics of linear operators. He also investigates the interaction between these dynamics and combinatorics (additive number theory), as well as ergodic theory.
Natalia Acomazzo Scotti
Natalia Acomazzo Scotti is a Professor and researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her research is in the area of harmonic analysis, her interests include Fourier analysis and singular integral operators.
Mariano Merzbacher
Mariano Merzbacher is professor at University of Buenos Aires. His research interests include asymptotic functional analysis, convex geometry and probability theory.
Joaquín Singer
Joaquín Singer is a professor at Universidad de San Andrés and a Postdoctoral researcher at CONICET focusing on complex analysis and asymptotic geometric analysis.
Melisa Scotti
Melisa Scotti is a lecturer and researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her research focuses on random unconditional convergence of Dirichlet series in Banach spaces, as well as the analysis of dilation systems and their connections to functional analysis
Felipe Marcecca
Felipe Marcecca is a research associate at King's college London. His research interests include time-frequency analysis, random point process and probability in Banach spaces.
Tomás Fernández Vidal
Tomás Fernández Vidal is a lecturer at Universidad de Buenos Aires and a Postdoctoral researcher at CONICET. His research interests include complex analysis in several and infinite variables, Dirichlet series and analysis of dilation systems.
Leodan Torres
Ph.D. in Mathematics, State university of Campinas, Brazil, 2019.
His main interest is functional analysis, especially multilinear applications and homogeneous polynomials between Banach spaces, geometry of Banach space.
Miguel Berasategui
Miguel Berasategui is a teaching assistant and researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires. His research interests include coordinate systems and linear and non-linear approximation in p-Banach spaces, in particular greedy and greedy-like algorithms.
Leandro Milne
Leandro Milne is an assistant professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires. His research interests include general theory of Banach spaces, Dirichlet series, greedy approximation theory and Nonlinear Elliptic Differential Equations.
Alejandra Aguilera Aguilera
Alejandra Aguilera Aguilera is a postdoctoral researcher and teaching assistant at the University of Buenos Aires. Her research interests include dynamical sampling, frames of operator orbits, and their connections to Hilbert spaces of analytic functions.
Visitant researchers
Thiago Alves
Thiago R. Alves is Professor at Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Brazil). His research interest include non-linear functional analysis, holomorphic functions of finitely and infinitely many variables, lineability and spaceability.
Pablo Sevilla Peris
Pablo Sevilla Peris is Associate Professor at Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). His research interest include non-linear functional analysis, holomorphic functions of finitely and infinitely many variables, Dirichlet series, general theory of Banach spaces.
Alejandro Chávez Domínguez
Alejandro Chávez-Domínguez is Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma (USA). His research interests include non-linear functional analysis (particularly ideals of Lipschitz maps), operator spaces, Banach lattices, frames in Banach spaces, and quantum graphs/metric spaces.